Google Drive-specific server setup instructions

These instructions are part of the instructions for Setting up upspinserver. Please make sure you have read that document first.

Build upspinserver-drive and upspin-setupstorage-drive

To use the Google Drive Storage, fetch the repository and use the upspinserver-drive and upspin-setupstorage-drive variants.

Fetch and install the repository and its dependencies:

local$ go get

This will install both the upspin-setupstorage-drive and upspinserver-drive commands.

Link your Google Drive account

To allow the Upspin server to store data in your Google Drive space, you need to authorize it by providing it with an OAuth2 authorization code. To do so, run the following command, replacing with your domain name:

local$ upspin setupstorage-drive

The command should output a URL for you to visit. Open this URL in the browser, authorize Upspin and copy the displayed authorization code. Paste this code in the terminal window where you have run the command and press Enter. You should see:

You should now deploy the upspinserver binary and run 'upspin setupserver'.


All Upspin data is stored under the Application Data folder, separate from your regular storage. You can manage the Upspin Google Drive storage in your account by navigating to the Manage Apps page of Google Drive.


You can now continue with the rest of the setup instructions: Set up a server and deploy the upspinserver binary.